I was browsing the Target website the other day and noticed this bag. Look familiar?

It should. It's a very close replica of a COACH classic gallery tote (see below). I couldn't find an image of it, but I recall this particular style also came in green - though not the putrid shade above. As copies go, I thought this one is pretty blatant. You can't tell in this image, but some of the COACH gallery totes have a double bib, as pictured above. Notice the curved feet insets, handles, overall shape and similar hardware.
Copyright issues are very complex, because the line between a copy and an inspiration (and who did what first) can be very subjective. For me, this looks more like a copy.
Gucci Tattoo Collection, Fall 2008

COACH Tattoo Collection, Spring 2009
I think that this is a horse of a different color; the IDEA is the same (tattoos), but the execution is different. Similar? Yes. The same? No. But then again, it's purely subjective. What do you think? Is it copying or inspiration?
Bag 1: Target. Bag 2: COACH. Bags 3 &4: Gucci. Bags 5&6: COACH.
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