Cute Love Quotes Him Definition
Perhaps you may call it ridiculous but cute love quotes for her boyfriend can keep the love quotes for her fires blazing hot. Cute quotes aren't only words and phrases, they convey your interest in and love quotes for her to your lover . They are very important mainly because they make the love and romance more powerful. If you keep whispering these cute quotes to your true love, he will feel more affectionate towards you and adore you for all the love you shower on him.
Whatever may be the stage of your love quotes for her, cute quotes for your boyfriend are sure to work wonders. Sometimes the quotes can be humorous and both of you will get a big laugh out of them.
You can find innumerable cute quotes for your boyfriend on line. And here are just a few
- When I was a child I had a stuffed bear that held all my secrets, shared all my adventures and wiped away all of my tears. I used to think nobody would ever take his place then I found you!
- Each and every time I hear your voice, I hear one more reason to keep you forever.
- Being with you makes me feel like for once in my life I don't have to work so hard on being happy, it just happens.
- One night I wished upon a star and 'you' came true.
- If kisses were the water I would give you the sea, If hugs were the leaves I would give you a tree, But if love was time, I would give you eternity.
- Before I met you I never knew what it really was like; to see somebody and smile for no reason.
- When you are in Love you can't fall asleep because the reality is better than your dreams
- if i had to choose between loving you, and breathing. I'd use my last breath to say I LOVE YOU.
- The very first time I saw you I was frightened to meet you. When I met you I was scared to kiss you. When I kissed you I was frightened to love you. Now that love quotes for her, I am terrified to lose you.
- I love you, not for what you are, but for what I am when I am whenever I'm with you.
- We've got: Two hands to hold. Two legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to hear. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find.
- Some of the greatest things in life can't be seen which is why I close my eyes whenever I kiss you.
- As we grow older together, As we continue to change with age, There is one thing that will never change. . . I will always keep falling in love quotes for her.
Love, by reason of its passion, destroys the in-between which relates us to and separates us from others. As long as its spell lasts, the only in-between which can insert itself between two lovers is the child, love's own product. The child, this in-between, to which the lovers now are related and which they hold in common, is representative of the world in that it also separates them; it is an indication that they will insert a new world into the existing world. Through the child, it is as though the lovers return to the world from which their love had expelled them. But this new worldliness, the possible result and the only possibly happy ending of a love affair, is, in a sense, the end of love, which must either overcome the partners anew or be transformed into another mode of belonging together.
HANNAH ARENDT, The Human Condition
Ah! let us love, my Love, for Time is heartless,
Be happy while you may!
Love it is the precious loom,
Whose shuttle weaves each tangled thread,
And works flowers of exquisite bloom,
Shedding their perfume where we tread.
JAMES MCINTYRE, "Power of Love"
He who loveth, knoweth the inner sun; he see'th Life's blaze.
True love survives all shocks: an affection originally produced by admiration for unusual beauty may not only survive the loss of that beauty, but may become more intense if the beauty has changed into ugliness through causes that bind the lovers together in tender associations.
ARTHUR LYNCH, Moods of Life
Divinely blessed is rose or man
That answers to love's whispered plan,
And gladly owns it paradise
To be love's perfect sacrifice.
EDWIN LEIBFREED, "The Lady and the Rose"
"The weatherman but I do not broadcast/I throw up more cash and change the forecast" - Make it Rain remix. - This line is great because great writers show and do not tell. Instead of saying how he makes it rain, Lil' Wayne makes you think about the line, envision the action and understand that when he throws cash into the clear blue sky, that it must come down like raindrops.
"Flow is so sweet, I eat angels for dinner/Call me what you want, I don't give a finger in the middle" - Uhh Ohh - Saying I don't give a finger in the middle instead of simply I don't give a "fuck" is why it's one of Lil Wayne's best quotes.
"I'm a pill poppin animal, syrup sippin nigga/I'm so high you couldn't reach me with a fuckin' antenna" - 9mm - Rick Ross sampled this line for one of his songs, turning what Jay-Z would say a hot line into a hot song. Then there's the image of being so high an antenna, which is connected to the power of a satellite, couldn't reach you. That's just clever.
"Feet out the window, jock my shoe game/Cause all my kicks fly like Liu Kang" - Dey know remix - Making reference to Liu Kang's bicycle kick is just unheard of. Especially when saying that, like Liu Kang, whose kicks fly mid-air, Lil' Wayne's kicks/shoes, also fly when they hang out of a window and are fly if you didn't catch the double meaning.
"She wears a dress to the T like the letter/And if you make it rain she would be under the weather" - Sweetest girl - Storytelling in hip hop is very important, that is what makes a rapper more than just a rapper, and when you can tell an in-depth story about a girl lost in a world of deception and sex in less than sixteen bars, you are more than a rapper.
"I listen to her heart beat because it plays my favorite song" - Crying Out for Me - Mario sings within the chorus "I hear your heart crying out for me." Lil Wayne highlights that line in his verse, saying he listens to her heart because it speaks to him and inspires him to do better, like a favorite song.
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Cute Love Quotes Him Free Images Pictures Pics Photos 2013

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